Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 40-44


Day 40:

Just the usual :)

Day 41:
I had a famous mushroom appear today! It looks really cute!
Robin suggested a new project to me today, an Illuminated Arch :) I don't think ill build it though.

Day 42:
The usual again :P

Day 43:
I went to visit Freckles this morning and got a bit of a surprise. Somebody wasn't coping with the morning to well :P.

I actually had a proper weed grow today! Its rare for me as I have the Beautiful town ordinance. I usually only get clovers.

Day 44:
So I got good news today, Super T & T is going to go under construction tomorrow :D. I went to talk to Leif and he told me that his little shop will be no more :(. On the bright side he will have more stuff for me to buy. I will miss the cute little garden shop though.

 One last picture of my garden store and Super T & T, you will be missed.
I cant wait to have more things to buy! I hope I get some more projects that I want to build soon. I haven't had any campers for about a week so I hope i get one soon. Hopefully someone I would like to move in!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 35-39


Day 35:
Today was a very very wet and rainy day. Everyone was complaining about it, Keaton was no exception.

One of my really good friends started playing Animal Crossing New Leaf today, so I gave her the grand tour :)

Day 36:
So today is the July Bug Off!
Nat gave me his little soliloquy about how important and yummy bugs are and then the contest began!

 My final whopper!
 Phineas was also up and about, and he gave me a new badge, the Catalog Maniac Bronze!
Something wonderful happened today. I just was about to leave the flower shop when Leif stopped me. I finally bought enough flowers to get the silver watering can! It is amazing and is a life saver when it comes to watering all my flowers.

 You got it Leif!
Today I also saw Pete, he had a letter for me from Nintendo! It was a slushy machine! An AU/EU DLC
I attended the ceremony to get my trophy!

I also dropped by to see K.K. play and picked up Forest Life!

Day 37:
Kiki invited me to her house!

Shrunk came by when i was working at the Roost.

Day 38:
Today I got to see something I hadn't experienced in NL, a meteor shower!

Keaton decided to sell me a painting i don't have! For free!!

Phineas dropped by for a coffee, he was impressed with my mad skills :P

Day 39:
Today I visited Shampoodle and Harriet told me that I can get my eye colour changed!

I had another lost book, Rod was happy i found it!

I look so cute!

I hope to play a bit more next week, when life is less busy. I hope more cool things keep happening! Thanks for the 500 views!!