Friday 30 August 2013

Day 69-78 - The last day of summer


Day 69:
Today was kinda funny because its Daffodil day today, a fundraiser for Cancer in Australia. When i visited my garden store today there was a daffodil for sale there too! What a coinkidink.
 K.K was getting a cuppa joe when i visited the cafe today.

Day 70-71:
Nothing out of the ordinary

Day 72:
Tonight is the last Fireworks festival of the year! I got my last bopper too!

 Finally got one of the exclusives from Redd's fortune cookies!

 I love Bangle, she's so cute and eclectic

Day 73:
Today i had a visitor in my campsite, Velma the pink goat.

 Buying all those saplings finally paid off today!

 he he he
 Oh and i got my first purple rose today! :D

Day 74:
Today i had another visitor, T-Bone the bull.
 Today is also Bangles birthday! My second villager birthday this year!

 It was pretty dark  in Bangles house because for some reason she got rid of her lamp...

Day 75:
Today i had a spotlight item, the captains monitor!
 I also had another lost item today, on the bridge! I didn't know that you could drop stuff on there until this >.<.

Day 76:
The lost item belonged to Kiki, at least the bag wasn't empty this time.

Sahara was in town today. I like the wallpaper i got this time.

Keaton gave me a very simple nickname today, E!

I had another spotlight item today, the blue corner.

Day 77:
I had a visitor in my campsite today, Tucker the wooly mammoth.

Gulliver washed up again today, today he was going to Spain.

Went and had a mocha with K.K.

Caught myself a soft shelled turtle. It looked funny when i donated, wriggling around with Blathers none the wiser.

I finally found myself a Saddled Bichir! So now i have everything thats possible to catch in August.

Day 78:
Today is the last day of August and the last day of summer!
I cant believe that it has come around this much. Im really interested for tomorrow to see the change of seasons for the first time.

Today i got some more pink cosmos and orange pansies

I had a new special visitor in town today, Gracie!!

Phineas was in town today and gave me a new badge.

 My first fashion test theme is...

Got my cute clothes on..apparently the big bro mustache is cute...

 1 down, 3 more checks to go!

A beautiful day for the end of summer...cant wait for autumn!
