Saturday 29 June 2013

Fifteen and a visit from Mayor Russell


So today my museum second floor opened. I got to see Celeste! She was sleeping away cause it was early.

Also for the third time this week, I had Katie in my town. She really likes coming to Wollemi. I took her to someones town that was open at the convention.

I also got to visit a very special ACNL town and play with a very special person at the convention today: Mayor Russell from New Leaf, the official Australian and New Zealand New Leaf representative (Hey is the Mayor on the ANZ Facebook page and website)!
I first got to meet Mayor Russell in a fellow gamers town, he had done a bit of shopping and bought a new hat. He then came over to my town!

I had a really great time playing with Russell, he really liked my town a lot.

 I also got to go to his town for a bit, and we traded hats because we had duplicates. So much fun.
I got so many Streetpasses today, i've lost count. My HH Showcase overflowed with people today, and I'll get more tomorrow. Ill also get to see Mayor Russell again tomorrow which will be fun. I ordered the max five pieces of furniture from some of my Streetpass houses, and saved a couple so they don't get  replaced before i can order some more furniture (you don't choose they just get replaced, unless they are favorited).
I also got given a balloon today!

Also i had five things on my Re-Tail sign today, five! It must happen occasionally, i usually only have one thing.

Looking forward to a fun day tomorrow, cant wait.

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